Wednesday 3 February 2016

Divorce Rates Over the Last 14 Years Will SHOCK You

Divorce Rates Over Last 14 Years Will Shock You

by Josh Stettner


That’s the rate that marriages are staying together in the US. 

Poof. I just blew your mind.  

Didn’t think it would be that good did you?! 


If you are in your 30’s, it’s also not unexpected to think that you might be on a second major relationship. 

Take a look at the divorce rate data from 2000 to 2014, and the trend that followed when the stock market killed the economy. The divorce rate increased from 2006 to 2011.

The Centre for Disease Control (the CDC), a government run program, shares the following stats on their site:

The divorce rates did stay relatively steady over that time, within a range of only 7%. 

2014 had the second lowest divorce rate over that 14 year period at 38 per 100 marriages ending compared to those getting married.

Of the remaining 62 successful marriages out of 100, how many of those are happily married? 

The statistics can be skewed too. It doesn’t show the average ages of a first marriage. It’s actually slightly older now than it was even 14 years ago. That would create a change in the odds.

Considering where you are now, are you surprised by the numbers? 

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